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COO = Chief Operating Officer

The senior manager who is responsible for managing the businesses day-to-day operations and reporting them to the chief executive officer (CEO).
What is a COO? What is a COO?

A senior manager who, in addition to having a strong and trusting relationship with the CEO, should also have an

effective relationship with the Board. A strong relationship between the Board and the COO offers an additional

expert opinion on the health and status of the company. It benefits the CEO to allow such a relationship to form

because it reflects confidence and fosters transparency. It also reinforces that the CEO is capable of developing

talent and helps the CEO to retain the COO by further empowering the individual.

Seven “tyoes” of COO

The Executor: Leads the implementation of strategies developed by the CEO and top management team. A COO in this role typically is responsible for the day-to-day and quarter-to-quarter results of the business. This type is most often seen in logistically or operationally complex businesses The Change Agent: Leads the efforts towards the accomplishment of a specific strategic objective The Mentor: Guides and advises a young CEO The Other Half. Complements the CEOs experience, knowledge, personality and/or skills The Partner: Partners with the CEO in a •two-in-the-box" arrangement The Heir Apparent: COO role is designed to groom and test the next CEO The MVP: The title is used as an incentive to retain an important executive to avoid losing the executive to a competitor  

So which one am I?

I am a combination of the Executor and Change Agent, or someone who will deliver the boards goals and objectives on time and within budget.
What is a coo